Introducing the Farming 4.0 Trail:
The Future of Agriculture
For the first time, British Wagyu will be represented at the Lamma Show being held at the NEC, Birmingham 4-5 May 2022 (postponed from 11-12 January). Come and find us in Hall 7 (stand 7.824). As the UK moves towards its NetZero goal, British Wagyu will be part of the Farming 4.0 Trail, helping you farm more sustainably and efficiently. The Farming 4.0 Trail will be the go-to feature for LAMMA attendees who want to discover the fourth generation of farming technology. The latest and greatest products for the future that are helping farmers re-imagine agriculture! Visitors following the Trail will get a first look at the machines and technology that will redefine farming and help re-imagine what's possible - in our case MIJ (Meat Image Japan) carcase camera technology which the British Wagyu Breeders Association has recently brought to the UK. Whether smart technology for livestock or Big Data, you'll see what the future of farming looks like at LAMMA 2022.