On Wednesday 6th November 2024, the British Wagyu Association (BWA) will be holding a seminar/webinar focusing on the registration and DNA process for Wagyu calves. We are delighted to welcome Hannah Kirkwood, International Office & Data Systems Manager for the Australian Wagyu Association (AWA), who will run through the Fullblood registration process. Kindly hosted in Ayr, Scotland by our DNA partner Neogen, there will also be a facility to join online for those not able to join in person. Open to current and prospective BWA Members, this webinar/seminar aims to familiarise breeders with the AWA registration portal and the process of sending DNA samples, getting results and ultimately registering animals successfully. There will also be the opportunity to ask any questions and, of course, get to know all of the partners involved.
Fullblood Wagyu cattle
12-12.30pm Arrival, Welcome, Refreshments
12.30-1.30pm Introductions (Neogen, BWA, AWA, Members, Warrendale, other guests) followed by tour of Neogen lab to see the DNA process first hand
1.30 BWA Company Secretary Richard Saunders introduces Hannah Kirkwood of AWA; explanation of reciprocal BWA/AWA membership/services agreement
1.40 AWA’s Hannah Kirkwood - Fullblood registration process
2pm Sharon Watkinson, Business Development Executive, Neogen - DNA process for a) Fullblood animals; and b) sire verification for crossbred animals within BWA assurance scheme/Warrendale integrated supply chain
2.30 Q&A
3pm - Conclusion
Venue: Neogen, Auchincruive House, Auchincruive, Ayr, KA6 5HN. Please note that the above information is PROVISIONAL. Full details and timings including joining details for those attending online will be sent out a few days before the meeting. RSVP by Friday 1st November to Richard Saunders Please email or call Richard (07901768904) if you have any questions
F1 Wagyus (first generation cross) with Caisley British Wagyu-branded DNA tags