Countryside Live again played host to the Royal Smithfield Club Wagyu Ribs competition at the Great Yorkshire Showground, Harrogate 20-21 October 2018.
Wagyu Ribs 1st-3rd
Under Judge Ben Turnbull, Head Butcher at Fodder, the Yorkshire Agricultural Society’s Farm Shop, the Wagyu Championship went to Andrew Knowles of Trenchmore Wagyu, West Sussex with a Wagyu x Sussex steer born August 2016. With a carcase weight of 356.8kg, the Judge commented that it had ‘very good marbling without being over fat.’ Standing Reserve was Warrendale Wagyu, E Yorks with a May 2016-born Wagyu x Holstein steer with a deadweight of 393.4kg described as ‘well-butchered with a good eye muscle , good marbling and nice fat cover.’ In third place was James Allen of Riverside Wagyu, W Sussexwith a 347kg Wagyu x Angus heifer born April 2016.
Judge Ben Turnbull (R) with Paul Nicholson & Connor Gillan (Bishop Burton College)
Grateful thanks are extended to sponsors Delta Wagyu and the Wagyu Breeders Association together with the Yorkshire Agricultural Society & Royal Smithfield Club..