The Wagyu Breeders Association (WBA) will again have a stand at the National Beef Association (NBA) Beef Expo be held in Bakewell on 20th May with farm tours and a gala dinner taking place on the 19th.
Considered the number one showcase for the British beef sector the WBA looks forward to talking to existing and potential Members about the huge potential that breeding Wagyu Fullblood and crossbred cattle brings. With both Wagyu Fullblood and crossbred stock on display, Beef Expo brings together the very best in British commercial and pedigree cattle, equipment, knowledge-sharing, and show classes for everyone involved in the industry.
For further information on either of the overseas expos (Ploughing Match & Eurotier) or to put forward delegates to attend an Inward Mission (Beef Event & Sheep Event), please contact Richard Saunders (E: