The Wagyu Olympics, also known as Zenkyo, is a unique competition held in Japan every five years. The next event is due to be held in autumn 2027 in Hokkaido, one of Japan’s northernmost islands. Look out for news on the actual date nearer the time - with the possibility of organising an international visit being considered.
Here are some fascinating details about the Wagyu Olympics:
Purpose and History:
The Wagyu Olympics was launched in 1966 to encourage high-quality cattle breeding, promote Wagyu beef both within and outside Japan, and boost tourism
The competition aims to identify the best beef in the world by evaluating both breeding cows and carcases
Competitive Categories:
There are two main categories:
Breed Improvement: Judges assess cows based on their size, proportions, and other outwardly visible standards
Meat Quality: Carcases are judged on fat quality and content
Winning breeders get the opportunity to sell their cattle and carcasses to top restaurants and butchers worldwide at premium prices
At the end of the competition, the best breeding cows and carcasses are sold at auction to the highest bidders in Japan
2027 Event:
The next Wagyu Olympics is to take place in 2027 in Hokkaido