Saturday 27th April 2024, North West Auctions, J36, Cumbria
Beef Expo, the annual flagship beef event organised by the National Beef Association (NBA), will see British Wagyu take centre-stage as a Gold Sponsor.
Working together with Yorkshire-based Warrendale Wagyu, who will also be running the pre-event exhibitor BBQ on the Friday night, the event provides a showcase for all things British Wagyu. This will include a display of Wagyu beef cuts, demonstration of the MIJ (Meat Image Japan) carcase camera, information on Fullblood genetics as well as details of how farmers can join Warrendale’s integrated British Wagyu supply chain. Various ages and types of cattle will also be exhibited on the stand.
Says British Wagyu association Company Secretary Richard Saunders: “As the fastest growing UK breed, Beef Expo is a great opportunity for British Wagyu to demonstrate what we have achieved so far and where we are going from here. Having forged strong relationships with farmers and built strategic ties with industry, we aim to capitalise on this growth to meet consumer demand.”